STP Calculator Profit Transfer

Initial Investment Amount STP Period No of Monthly Installments Total No. Units Remaining Total Amount Transferred Value as on 19-09-2024 Current Value as on 19-09-2024 Profit Returns (%)
1,000,000 19-09-2021 to 19-09-2024 37 385.39 208,830 1,000,000 1,000,000 208,830 5.23
STP - Transferee Scheme : Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund - Growth Plan
STP Period No of Monthly Installments Total No. Units Accumulated Total Amount Invested Value as on 19-09-2024 Current Value as on 19-09-2024 Profit Returns (%)
19-09-2021 to 19-09-2024 37 2,463.52 208,830 281,423 281,423 72,593 20.18
STP - Total Returns:
Total Investment Amount Total Current Value Total Profit Total Returns (%)
1,000,000 1,281,423 281,423 6.4
Mirae Asset Liquid Fund - Regular Plan - Growth
Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Net Amount Profit Transfer Capital Gain/Loss
(Profit Transfer)
No. of Days
Current Value
20-09-2020 2107.833 474.4209 474.4209 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000
19-09-2021 2176.9498 15.0626 459.3583 1,032,790 -32,790 1,041.08 364 1,000,000
19-10-2021 2182.4677 1.1614 458.1969 1,002,535 -2,535 86.68 394 1,000,000
21-11-2021 2189.0343 1.3745 456.8224 1,003,009 -3,009 111.61 427 1,000,000
19-12-2021 2194.6187 1.1624 455.66 1,002,551 -2,551 100.88 455 1,000,000
19-01-2022 2200.9051 1.3015 454.3585 1,002,864 -2,864 121.13 486 1,000,000
20-02-2022 2207.772 1.4132 452.9453 1,003,120 -3,120 141.23 518 1,000,000
20-03-2022 2213.6641 1.2056 451.7397 1,002,669 -2,669 127.59 546 1,000,000
19-04-2022 2220.5301 1.3968 450.3429 1,003,102 -3,102 157.42 576 1,000,000
19-05-2022 2226.8589 1.2799 449.063 1,002,850 -2,850 152.34 606 1,000,000
19-06-2022 2235.1982 1.6754 447.3876 1,003,745 -3,745 213.39 637 1,000,000
19-07-2022 2244.2791 1.8102 445.5774 1,004,063 -4,063 247 667 1,000,000
19-08-2022 2253.7227 1.8671 443.7103 1,004,208 -4,208 272.39 698 1,000,000
19-09-2022 2263.5044 1.9175 441.7928 1,004,340 -4,340 298.5 729 1,000,000
19-10-2022 2273.9542 2.0302 439.7626 1,004,617 -4,617 337.26 759 1,000,000
20-11-2022 2286.4887 2.4108 437.3518 1,005,512 -5,512 430.7 791 1,000,000
19-12-2022 2297.9504 2.1814 435.1704 1,005,013 -5,013 414.73 820 1,000,000
19-01-2023 2310.8999 2.4385 432.7319 1,005,635 -5,635 495.19 851 1,000,000
19-02-2023 2323.4033 2.3287 430.4031 1,005,411 -5,411 502.01 882 1,000,000
19-03-2023 2335.2217 2.1782 428.2249 1,005,087 -5,087 495.31 910 1,000,000
19-04-2023 2350.515 2.7862 425.4387 1,006,549 -6,549 676.16 941 1,000,000
19-05-2023 2363.6771 2.369 423.0696 1,005,600 -5,600 606.11 971 1,000,000
19-06-2023 2377.0328 2.3771 420.6926 1,005,650 -5,650 639.91 1,002 1,000,000
19-07-2023 2390.3463 2.3431 418.3494 1,005,601 -5,601 661.97 1,032 1,000,000
20-08-2023 2403.9738 2.3715 415.9779 1,005,701 -5,701 702.3 1,064 1,000,000
19-09-2023 2417.3435 2.3007 413.6772 1,005,561 -5,561 712.08 1,094 1,000,000
19-10-2023 2430.8922 2.3057 411.3716 1,005,605 -5,605 744.86 1,124 1,000,000
19-11-2023 2444.9584 2.3667 409.0049 1,005,786 -5,786 797.87 1,155 1,000,000
19-12-2023 2458.6043 2.2701 406.7348 1,005,581 -5,581 796.28 1,185 1,000,000
19-01-2024 2474.255 2.5728 404.1621 1,006,366 -6,366 942.72 1,216 1,000,000
19-02-2024 2489.0549 2.4031 401.7589 1,005,982 -5,982 916.13 1,247 1,000,000
19-03-2024 2503.5831 2.3314 399.4275 1,005,837 -5,837 922.65 1,276 1,000,000
19-04-2024 2520.9601 2.7533 396.6743 1,006,941 -6,941 1,137.45 1,307 1,000,000
19-05-2024 2534.7235 2.1539 394.5203 1,005,460 -5,460 919.49 1,337 1,000,000
19-06-2024 2549.9589 2.3572 392.1632 1,006,011 -6,011 1,042.16 1,368 1,000,000
19-07-2024 2564.9599 2.2935 389.8696 1,005,883 -5,883 1,048.44 1,398 1,000,000
19-08-2024 2579.7984 2.2425 387.6272 1,005,785 -5,785 1,058.36 1,429 1,000,000
19-09-2024 2594.7919 2.2398 385.3874 1,005,812 -5,812 1,090.7 1,460 1,000,000
Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund - Growth Plan
Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Cash Flow Amount Current Value
20-09-2021 78.718 416.556 416.556 32,790 32,790 32,790
19-10-2021 83.127 30.4918 447.0478 2,535 35,325 37,162
22-11-2021 78.571 38.294 485.3418 3,009 38,334 38,134
20-12-2021 75.229 33.9108 519.2526 2,551 40,885 39,063
19-01-2022 80.896 35.4092 554.6618 2,864 43,749 44,870
21-02-2022 76.833 40.608 595.2698 3,120 46,870 45,736
21-03-2022 76.017 35.1079 630.3777 2,669 49,538 47,919
19-04-2022 76.113 40.7505 671.1283 3,102 52,640 51,082
19-05-2022 70.449 40.4566 711.5849 2,850 55,490 50,130
20-06-2022 68.745 54.4748 766.0597 3,745 59,235 52,663
19-07-2022 73.972 54.9219 820.9816 4,063 63,298 60,730
19-08-2022 79.112 53.1886 874.1702 4,208 67,506 69,157
19-09-2022 78.93 54.9885 929.1587 4,340 71,846 73,338
19-10-2022 78.339 58.9317 988.0903 4,617 76,462 77,406
21-11-2022 80.43 68.5342 1,056.6245 5,512 81,975 84,984
19-12-2022 81.475 61.5256 1,118.1501 5,013 86,987 91,101
19-01-2023 80.044 70.4018 1,188.5518 5,635 92,623 95,136
20-02-2023 78.838 68.6296 1,257.1814 5,411 98,033 99,114
20-03-2023 75.06 67.7681 1,324.9496 5,087 103,120 99,451
19-04-2023 77.667 84.3212 1,409.2707 6,549 109,669 109,454
19-05-2023 80.379 69.6658 1,478.9365 5,600 115,269 118,875
19-06-2023 83.067 68.0221 1,546.9586 5,650 120,919 128,501
19-07-2023 87.268 64.1803 1,611.1389 5,601 126,520 140,601
21-08-2023 86.326 66.041 1,677.18 5,701 132,221 144,784
20-09-2023 88.856 62.59 1,739.77 5,561 137,782 154,589
19-10-2023 87.152 64.3105 1,804.0805 5,605 143,387 157,229
20-11-2023 87.624 66.0371 1,870.1176 5,786 149,174 163,867
19-12-2023 94.019 59.3629 1,929.4805 5,581 154,755 181,408
19-01-2024 94.686 67.2294 1,996.7099 6,366 161,121 189,060
19-02-2024 95.672 62.5215 2,059.2314 5,982 167,102 197,011
19-03-2024 94.327 61.8787 2,121.1101 5,837 172,939 200,078
19-04-2024 96.492 71.9319 2,193.042 6,941 179,880 211,611
21-05-2024 98.899 55.2037 2,248.2457 5,460 185,339 222,349
19-06-2024 104.159 57.7067 2,305.9524 6,011 191,350 240,186
19-07-2024 109.11 53.9166 2,359.869 5,883 197,233 257,485
19-08-2024 109.612 52.7778 2,412.6468 5,785 203,018 264,455
19-09-2024 114.236 50.8762 2,463.523 5,812 208,830 281,423

Disclaimer : We have gathered all the data, information, statistics from the sources believed to be highly reliable and true. All necessary precautions have been taken to avoid any error, lapse or insufficiency; however, no representations or warranties are made (express or implied) as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of such information. We cannot be held liable for any loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action taken in on, any information appearing herein. The user is advised to verify the contents of the report independently.

Returns less than 1 year are in absolute (%) and greater than 1 year are compounded annualised (CAGR %). SIP returns are shown in XIRR (%).

The Risk Level of any of the schemes must always be commensurate with the risk profile, investment objective or financial goals of the investor concerned. Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs) or Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) should assess the risk profile and investment needs of individual investors into consideration and make scheme(s) or asset allocation recommendations accordingly.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Investors should always invest according to their risk profile and consult with their mutual fund distributors or financial advisor before investing.