STP Calculator Profit Transfer

Initial Investment Amount STP Period No of Monthly Installments Total No. Units Remaining Total Amount Transferred Value as on 26-07-2024 Current Value as on 26-07-2024 Profit Returns (%)
1,000,000 26-07-2021 to 26-07-2024 37 389.36 203,444 1,000,000 1,000,000 203,444 5.09
STP - Transferee Scheme : Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund - Growth Plan
STP Period No of Monthly Installments Total No. Units Accumulated Total Amount Invested Value as on 26-07-2024 Current Value as on 26-07-2024 Profit Returns (%)
26-07-2021 to 26-07-2024 37 2,478.06 203,444 273,707 273,707 70,263 20.22
STP - Total Returns:
Total Investment Amount Total Current Value Total Profit Total Returns (%)
1,000,000 1,273,707 273,707 6.23
Mirae Asset Liquid Fund - Regular Plan - Growth
Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Net Amount Profit Transfer Capital Gain/Loss
(Profit Transfer)
No. of Days
Current Value
26-07-2020 2097.5214 476.7532 476.7532 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 0 1,000,000
26-07-2021 2166.3951 15.1569 461.5963 1,032,836 -32,836 1,043.91 365 1,000,000
26-08-2021 2172.5881 1.3158 460.2805 1,002,859 -2,859 98.77 396 1,000,000
26-09-2021 2178.1503 1.1754 459.1051 1,002,560 -2,560 94.77 427 1,000,000
26-10-2021 2183.5642 1.1383 457.9668 1,002,486 -2,486 97.94 457 1,000,000
26-11-2021 2190.0648 1.3593 456.6075 1,002,977 -2,977 125.8 488 1,000,000
26-12-2021 2196.0576 1.246 455.3615 1,002,736 -2,736 122.78 518 1,000,000
26-01-2022 2202.3563 1.3023 454.0591 1,002,868 -2,868 136.53 549 1,000,000
27-02-2022 2209.1789 1.4023 452.6569 1,003,098 -3,098 156.57 581 1,000,000
27-03-2022 2215.181 1.2265 451.4304 1,002,717 -2,717 144.31 609 1,000,000
26-04-2022 2221.9552 1.3763 450.0541 1,003,058 -3,058 171.26 639 1,000,000
26-05-2022 2228.7904 1.3802 448.6739 1,003,076 -3,076 181.18 669 1,000,000
26-06-2022 2237.3871 1.7239 446.9499 1,003,857 -3,857 241.12 700 1,000,000
26-07-2022 2245.8494 1.6841 445.2658 1,003,782 -3,782 249.8 730 1,000,000
26-08-2022 2255.9715 1.9978 443.268 1,004,507 -4,507 316.55 761 1,000,000
26-09-2022 2265.5067 1.8657 441.4024 1,004,227 -4,227 313.4 792 1,000,000
26-10-2022 2276.4268 2.1174 439.2849 1,004,820 -4,820 378.82 822 1,000,000
27-11-2022 2289.2207 2.4551 436.8299 1,005,620 -5,620 470.63 854 1,000,000
26-12-2022 2300.8853 2.2146 434.6153 1,005,095 -5,095 450.36 883 1,000,000
26-01-2023 2313.5835 2.3854 432.2299 1,005,519 -5,519 515.4 914 1,000,000
26-02-2023 2326.1065 2.327 429.9029 1,005,413 -5,413 531.91 945 1,000,000
26-03-2023 2338.5782 2.2927 427.6102 1,005,362 -5,362 552.67 973 1,000,000
26-04-2023 2353.2298 2.6624 424.9479 1,006,265 -6,265 680.79 1,004 1,000,000
26-05-2023 2366.8127 2.4387 422.5091 1,005,772 -5,772 656.73 1,034 1,000,000
26-06-2023 2380.0021 2.3414 420.1677 1,005,573 -5,573 661.41 1,065 1,000,000
26-07-2023 2393.3721 2.3472 417.8205 1,005,618 -5,618 694.41 1,095 1,000,000
27-08-2023 2407.1071 2.3841 415.4364 1,005,739 -5,739 738.08 1,127 1,000,000
26-09-2023 2420.3777 2.2778 413.1587 1,005,513 -5,513 735.4 1,157 1,000,000
26-10-2023 2433.8927 2.2942 410.8645 1,005,584 -5,584 771.7 1,187 1,000,000
26-11-2023 2448.1513 2.393 408.4715 1,005,858 -5,858 839.05 1,218 1,000,000
26-12-2023 2461.9481 2.2891 406.1824 1,005,636 -5,636 834.2 1,248 1,000,000
26-01-2024 2477.319 2.5202 403.6622 1,006,243 -6,243 957.17 1,279 1,000,000
26-02-2024 2492.6253 2.4787 401.1834 1,006,179 -6,179 979.36 1,310 1,000,000
26-03-2024 2506.5282 2.2252 398.9582 1,005,578 -5,578 910.14 1,339 1,000,000
26-04-2024 2523.7994 2.7302 396.228 1,006,890 -6,890 1,163.83 1,370 1,000,000
26-05-2024 2538.3558 2.2722 393.9558 1,005,768 -5,768 1,001.66 1,400 1,000,000
26-06-2024 2553.1274 2.2793 391.6765 1,005,819 -5,819 1,038.47 1,431 1,000,000
26-07-2024 2568.2862 2.3118 389.3647 1,005,937 -5,937 1,088.31 1,461 1,000,000
Mirae Asset Large Cap Fund - Growth Plan
Nav Date Nav Units Cumulative Units Cash Flow Amount Current Value
26-07-2021 72.554 452.5699 452.5699 32,836 32,836 32,836
26-08-2021 74.721 38.2579 490.8278 2,859 35,694 36,675
27-09-2021 80.226 31.912 522.7398 2,560 38,255 41,937
26-10-2021 81.987 30.3164 553.0561 2,486 40,740 45,343
26-11-2021 77.058 38.634 591.6901 2,977 43,717 45,594
27-12-2021 77.429 35.3402 627.0304 2,736 46,454 48,550
27-01-2022 77.036 37.2318 664.2621 2,868 49,322 51,172
28-02-2022 74.84 41.3932 705.6553 3,098 52,420 52,811
28-03-2022 76.049 35.7255 741.3808 2,717 55,137 56,381
26-04-2022 76.898 39.768 781.1488 3,058 58,195 60,069
26-05-2022 72.289 42.5543 823.7031 3,076 61,271 59,545
27-06-2022 71.389 54.0295 877.7327 3,857 65,128 62,660
26-07-2022 74.108 51.0367 928.7693 3,782 68,910 68,829
26-08-2022 78.264 57.5875 986.3568 4,507 73,417 77,196
26-09-2022 76.181 55.4817 1,041.8385 4,227 77,644 79,368
27-10-2022 79.542 60.5989 1,102.4374 4,820 82,464 87,690
28-11-2022 82.144 68.4185 1,170.8558 5,620 88,084 96,179
26-12-2022 79.626 63.9922 1,234.8481 5,095 93,180 98,326
27-01-2023 77.688 71.0384 1,305.8865 5,519 98,698 101,452
27-02-2023 77.174 70.1378 1,376.0243 5,413 104,111 106,193
27-03-2023 75.129 71.3655 1,447.3898 5,362 109,473 108,741
26-04-2023 78.119 80.2004 1,527.5902 6,265 115,738 119,334
26-05-2023 81.337 70.9643 1,598.5545 5,772 121,510 130,022
26-06-2023 82.727 67.3618 1,665.9164 5,573 127,083 137,816
26-07-2023 87.073 64.5165 1,730.4328 5,618 132,700 150,674
28-08-2023 86.445 66.3863 1,796.8191 5,739 138,439 155,326
26-09-2023 87.474 63.0255 1,859.8446 5,513 143,952 162,688
26-10-2023 83.888 66.563 1,926.4076 5,584 149,536 161,602
28-11-2023 88.337 66.3182 1,992.7259 5,858 155,394 176,031
26-12-2023 93.826 60.0644 2,052.7902 5,636 161,030 192,605
29-01-2024 94.727 65.9093 2,118.6995 6,243 167,273 200,698
26-02-2024 95.798 64.4959 2,183.1954 6,179 173,452 209,146
26-03-2024 95.263 58.5496 2,241.745 5,578 179,030 213,555
26-04-2024 98.08 70.2537 2,311.9987 6,890 185,920 226,761
27-05-2024 100.527 57.3742 2,369.3729 5,768 191,688 238,186
26-06-2024 105.933 54.9343 2,424.3072 5,819 197,507 256,814
26-07-2024 110.452 53.755 2,478.0622 5,937 203,444 273,707

Disclaimer : We have gathered all the data, information, statistics from the sources believed to be highly reliable and true. All necessary precautions have been taken to avoid any error, lapse or insufficiency; however, no representations or warranties are made (express or implied) as to the reliability, accuracy or completeness of such information. We cannot be held liable for any loss arising directly or indirectly from the use of, or any action taken in on, any information appearing herein. The user is advised to verify the contents of the report independently.

Returns less than 1 year are in absolute (%) and greater than 1 year are compounded annualised (CAGR %). SIP returns are shown in XIRR (%).

The Risk Level of any of the schemes must always be commensurate with the risk profile, investment objective or financial goals of the investor concerned. Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs) or Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs) should assess the risk profile and investment needs of individual investors into consideration and make scheme(s) or asset allocation recommendations accordingly.

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Investors should always invest according to their risk profile and consult with their mutual fund distributors or financial advisor before investing.